My crystal journey began with my love for my children. As any parent, when you see your child hurting you would do anything in your power to make them feel better. This was the case for me and my family. One of my children started experiencing anxiety, focusing issues and trouble sleeping. I spent hours and hours doing research and tons of time in doctors office . Some things work and others didn't. As a family we decided to go the natural route with herbs and remedies to heal within. A about 1 month into my search I came across the concept of chakra healing. I automatically fell in love. Charka healing is the ultimate heal from with in practice . The crystals leave you in a state of aww to look at. Once you really connect with their energies the feeling is amazing. The thing that probably touched me the most is that crystals are tangible as well as magical. For me this was the perfect thing for my child , in fact I found it was perfect for my whole family.When we would meditate with the crystals I noticed anxieties would ease. Everyone one was sleeping better. Everyones ones spirits were lifted. My family really embraced the crystal healing process and since then crystals have been a staple in my house.